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24 Hours of Sun

Know-How thanks to webinars

What Makes Fronius the Right Choice

Our Fronius product experts go through how the products work for customers as well as installers and partners and also explain the strengths and benefits of Fronius products in regular training courses. This allows buyers and partners to make informed decisions and get the most out of their photovoltaic system.

Knowledge transfer doesn’t just take place on site, but also in the form of webinars. Six of them ask the question “Why Fronius?” and delve into the long service life of our products, the relevance of added value in Europe, and our exclusive service and support.

Why Fronius products live longer!

Why Fronius values European standards

Why Fronius gets more out of the sun every day

You can find training and webinar dates as well as registration details here:

Explanatory and how-to videos are also available on our YouTube channel free of charge: